Update to version 4.4

What's new:

  1. * Changed the resize method again. Now it is working better in binary mode.
  2. * Removed the salt generation for avb2 signature. Instead, the command will use the android open source salt 'd00df00d'. Since we are using for this the test keys, seems logic to use the test salt too.
  3. * Some minor corrections in header display and some print informations.
  4. * Fixed some typo errors in script - like double arguments for avb2 signature command arguments.

Update to version 4.3

What's new:

  1. * Even more optimization of the script.
  2. * Added the print on screen for arguments and commandline during repacking.
  3. * Use of python function truncate for resize to original size.
  4. * Fixed the display image info function.

Update to version 4.2

What's new:

  1. * More optimization of the script.
  2. * Changed the use of colors in terminal with click instead direct with colorama (used to break the script in some systems with windows 11 and 10).
  3. * Reverted the option to resize image to original size for lg bumped and bootjar signed images (not really needed).
  4. * Added a small bash launch script carliv.sh for linux variants to use it with double click and "run in terminal" instead of open terminal and type ./carliv.
  5. * Added visual progress for repacking ramdisks as it was for unpacking.

Update to version 4.1

What's new:

  1. * Reorganized and optimized the script for speed improvement and better compatibility across systems and platforms. Now the script works at least twice as fast.
  2. * Added sudo for windows versions to deal with special folders as in magisk patched images. This problem was catched on windows 11, but now with sudo it is fixed. The sudo it is from mattn source from github, and I built both versions 64 and 32 bit with name csudo to not confuse it with windows 11 sudo.
  3. * Corrected other issues in mkbootimg source code. For old images without cmdline I added a check, if cmdline is empty it won't be saved as arguments for repack. That was also from a windows 11 spotted bug (when the cmdline was empty the file was loaded with a false character during python splitting and that used to break the mkbootimg command).
  4. * Added info message for systems without java installed or in path, in case it will be needed for avb1 jar signing images.
  5. * Eliminated the cpatch program I used before to append seandroidenforce, lg bump and to resize image. Now these are functions inside the kitchen.

Combo update to version 3.9 and 4.0

The reason I upload two versions at once is that with version 4 the main script is a new script written in python (it is much easier to maintain cross platforms). In terms of functionality there are no differences between the two versions, but version 3.9 operates still with the batch and shell scripts as before. Version 3.9 will be the last one with batch and shell scripts. I did this version in case the version 4, which is not enough tested in "real life", may have bugs or problems for some users.

What's new:

  1. * After some feedback, and a thorough analysis, I found out that the main cygwin library I've been using in my tool for some years now it is not good and creates problems. For me it worked but I don't have many phones and they are not in any way new. So I tested all versions of cygwin from 3.3.1 back to 3.1.4 and this one it is the last one that works well, so I changed that.
  2. * I fixed all the scripts across platforms to deal better with system path. But now it is mandatory to not use the kitchen in folders or folder trees with spaces in name.
  3. * Corrected some issues in mkbootimg source code.
  4. * Written from scratch a new main script in python for version 4. That will make easier the job to update across the platforms and it will allow in the future to integrate some of the programs (unpackbootimg, mkbootimg, etc) as functions instead of as separate executables.
  5. * ..... There are more other small improvements here and there, but the major one are those from above.

Update to version 3.8.3

There was a version 3.8.2 but just before upload I decided to add a new function (odin tar format) and I have to let it unpublished.

What's new:

  1. * A new way to resize to original size with my own module.
  2. * Same module is used to add samsung senforce tail and lg bump tail.
  3. * Corrected some issues in carliv executable script.
  4. * Added the option for Samsung images to repack in tar md5 format for flash in odin.

Update to version 3.8.1

There was a version 3.8 but just unpublished since became fast obsolete.

What's new:

  1. * Fixed and reworked unpackbootimg and mkbootimg modules.
  2. * There were some problems with newer (android 11 +) images, but now it should just be fine.
  3. * Simplified the scripts using wildcards in commands.
  4. * Removed the option to choose compression level for every vendor ramdisk fragment. That was just a geek thing.
  5. * Added the option to resize the image to original size, except for signed or patched with samsung or LG tail images.
  6. * .... maybe there are some other things but I just pointed the important ones.

Update to version 3.7

Lots of improvement.

What's new:

  1. * Removed minigzip, since it is not used anymore in android building.
  2. * For linux I've built static fakeroot module to deal with special ramdisk folders.
  3. * Fixed, cleaned and optimized all modules for an increased speed in unpacking and repacking images.
  4. * Rewrite the scripts to accomodate the new binaries and made it better.
  5. * Added the option to choose the compression level for ramdisk repacking.
  6. * For vendor ramdisk fragments I added the option to choose the compression level for each one. That was necessary more for the repacking with same compression level as original, and I saw on some images that the first ramdisk fragment was packed with fast compression and the second with best. If there is no need for this you can simply type same level at prompt and get it done.

Update to version 3.6.3
Replaced the test hash from abvtool command with the proper openssl hash generated for the new image. Simplified the mediatek header detection procedure for a more clean unpacked folder.

Update to version 3.6.2
Another bug fix release. Added protection for the case when cmdline has quotes inside (used to broke the repacking process). Added the feature to sign with same avb version as original. Fix for the situation when ramdisk is zero in size (in boot image with header version 4 where the ramdisk is in vendor boot), and also for unknown ramdisk format: for both of these situations it will be possible to repack the image with original ramdisk unmodified. Fix for deleting folders with elevated privileges. Removed the start the kitchen with UAC in windows.

Update to version 3.6.1
It is mostly a bug fix release. Thanks to lopestom from 4pda I found out that there exists vendor boot images version 4 without bootconfig section, so I had to modify unpackbootimg. Also, in linux for ramdisks with special folders, like ".backup" from magisk patched images, my kitchen uses fakeroot to deal with that but apparently it is not present in all linux distros. So, I had to insert a check function with instructions to install fakeroot for major distros if it is not present. And I rebuilt lz4 from the android 14 source.

Update to version 3.6
Version 3.5 remains unpublished because it became fast obsolete. I tried to write all the modules to Python and I did it, but that didn't worked very well with older images. In version 3.6, I have backported the new python scripts to C for portability and smaler footprint.
Of course, it includes boot images with header version 4, and also vendor boot images with header version 4. The biggest problem was to figure out how to port vendor ramdisk tables to C and it took me much longer than I expected.

What's new:

  1. Detection of signature at unpacking, and the option to use same type of signature after repacking.
  2. The unpacking and repacking programs work now with boot headers from 0 to 4.
  3. Built from source and integrated openssl for use with avbtool at signing (not every user have openssl installed).
  4. Rewrite the scripts to accomodate the new binaries.
  5. Rebuilt all binaries as static and reduced the number of cygwin dll used.
  6. Tested and fixed the problems with windows 10 and 11. Now it is working in these too.

This version it is the last one with a 32bit variant. From now on I will make only 64bit versions since the majority of the computers nowadays have a 64bit cpu and the cygwin dropped support for 32 bit long ago. There will not be versions 2.8 for download anymore, including for XP, since the new version handles every boot header version.